How to use TRAECE



How to use...




Find a partner:

1.1 Vocational College

1.2 Nursery school

1.1 Vocational College

1.1.1 Use the TRAECE network

1.1.2 Erasmus+ 

1.1.3 Erasmus+ Mobility Projects Platform

1.1.4 eTwinning 


1.1.6 National Agencies of EU

1.2 Nursery school

1.2.1 Use the TRAECE network

1.1.1 Info about TRAECE 

1.1.2 Erasmus+ (general information)

1.1.3 Erasmus+ Mobility Projects Platform (projects and partners for searching)

1.1.4 eTwinning (connecting schools)

1.1.5 SCHOOL EDUCATION GATEWAY (connecting schools)

1.1.6 National Agencies of EU (contact seminars)

1.2 Nursery school

1.2.1 Use the TRAECE network


Exchange about possible contents of an internship

2.1 Use the ECEC Competence Matrix of the project TRAECE for defining competence units and learning outcomes

2.2. Use the Useful TRAECE documents to select adequate content:

2.2.1 SeePro overview to see see which occupations in general are covered by the host and sending country

2.2.2 Mapping and Overlapping documents to see which occupations of the host country are matching to the sending country

2.2.3 EUROPASS Supplement Certificate and overview of occupations to get information about the occupation in the host country

2.1 The Project TRAECE - Products: Chapter 

Competence Matrices

2.2.1 SeePro overview: Chapter Occupations covered

2.2.2 Mapping and Overlapping documents: Chapter Mapped Competence Matrices

2.2.3 EUROPASS Supplement Certificate and overview of occupations: Chapter Detailed overview of occupations



Agreements on internship

3.1 EU based documents generated by database

3.1.1 Agree on Partnership in general with Memorandum of Understanding

3.1.2 Agree on mobility of individual student with Learning Agreement

3.2 Agree on matching and overlapping of the individual internship

3.3 Exchange about mutual recognition

3.4 Information about instruments and tools


3.1 Info about Theme Smart Mobility Tool

3.2 The Project TRAECE - Products: Chapter Competence Matrices

3.3 Exchange about mutual recognition: Chapter Recommendation for Mutual Recognition

3.4 Information about instruments and tools: Chapter Pattern for Multiplier and Learning and Training Events


Preparation of mobility

Preparatory documents

4.1 EU Documents

4.1.1 Erasmus Quality Standards - mobility projects - VET, adults, schools

4.1.2 ERASMUS+ for schools

4.1.3 EU National Agencies National Agency DE

4.1.4 ECVET Documents ECVET Roadmap ECVET Tool Kit

4.1.5 National Approaches North Rhine-Westphalia Quality Framework and Guideline for Implementing Education or Training Initiatives and Internships Abroad for Vocational Colleges 








4.1 EU Documents

4.1.1 Erasmus Quality Standards - mobility projects - How to organize mobilities

4.1.2 ERASMUS+ for schools - focus on schools

4.1.3 EU National Agencies National Agency DE- How to organize mobilities

4.1.4 ECVET Documents - EU based mobilities ECVET Roadmap ECVET Tool Kit

4.1.5 National Approaches- How to organize mobilities North Rhine-Westphalia Quality Framework and Guideline for Implementing Education or Training Initiatives and Internships Abroad for Vocational Colleges 

4.1.6 EUROPASS - Preparation and evaluation



5.1 Theme Smart Mobility Assessments (database tools)

5.2 ECVET Tool Kit

5.3 individual and bilateral agreements

5.3.1 Host and sending partner concerning assessment (integration in MoU)

5.3.2 Agreements in sending organization concerning recognition

5.4 Options

- visit by sending ìnstitutions` teacher

- reports (daily task focus)

- Skype conference

- Blog

- Tests

- …

5.1 Theme Smart Mobility Tool – Demo version (database tool)

5.2 ECVET Tool Kit

5.3 individual and bilateral agreements

5.3.1 Host and sending partner concerning assessment (integration in MoU)

5.3.1 Example Germany

5.3.2 Example The Netherlands

5.3.3 Example Estonia

5.3.2 Agreements in sending organization concerning recognition

5.4 Options

- visit by sending ìnstitutions` teacher

- reports (daily task focus)

- Skype conference

- Blog

- Tests

- …

5.1 Theme Smart Mobility Assessments (database tools) - Assessments with working, social, personal and language instruments generated by data abse

5.2 ECVET Tool Kit - very huge variety of tools

5.3 individual and bilateral agreements - based on projects partners experience

5.3.2 Agreements in sending organization concerning recognition - mutual recognition of educations and/or parts of it: Chapter The Project TRAECE - Products, Recommendation for mutual recognition

5.4 Options


Evaluation of mobility

- students

- staff

- partner abroad

- testing afterwards pandemic



Next steps

6.1 Individual Agreements


6.1 Individual Agreements

6.1.1 Closer cooperations

 (projects/class exchanges/staff exchanges, etc.)

6.1.2 Blended learning (further education of staff on certain topics; e.g. project based learning, etc

6.1.3 Hospitations of staff and assessments of students
